Our Story...

My name's Jacob LeGuerrier and I am one of the millions of people living with heart complications. My reality has therefore been altered in a way that I would have never imagined. When I learned of my condition, I had to adapt to a more careful lifestyle taking all physical activity out of my daily routine. Therefore I had no choice but to put some of my dreams on hold. Those around me know that sports have always been a big part of my life, especially hockey. When it felt like all the pieces were finally falling in place for my professional hockey career, I was forced to put it all on pause to prioritize my health. I was diagnosed with viral myocarditis originating from COVID-19, which is basically inflammation of the heart muscle. Unfortunately, despite the treatments and great improvement of my heart's function, I still experience long lasting symptoms that leave professionals in this field puzzled. My experience thus far made me realize that heart problems are life changing and disruptive. This is why I’ve decided to help those who share my reality. I share my story in order to make a difference in the fight against heart disease. With 50% of profits being donated to cardiovascular research you can also help advance research in the field, one purchase at a time!